In the video it shows a Malaysian student who appeared to be injured and was just sitting on the floor, bleeding. It was later revealed that he suffered a broken jaw. A group of people passed him by, stopped, turned back and appeared to help him to his feet. It seemed that amidst the looters and violence, there were still decent people around.
That’s where it turned ugly.
After helping the injured student to his feet, a possible accomplice of the “good samaritan” came up from behind and started riffling through the student’s bag, despite the fact that he still had it on him! The student realized what was going on and tried to push them away but given that he was pretty beat up, he did not have the strength necessary to fight them off. They then took out his PSP and left.
The bright side is that Sony Computer Entertainment Europe’s marketing director Alan Duncan has pledged to replace the victim’s PSP, and throw in a few free games on top of that! Given the negative press that Sony has been receiving over the PSN hacks that happened a few months back, we’re guessing that they could use the good publicity. Now if only they had pledged him a PSP Vita instead!
Filed in Playstation Portable and Sony.
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