The BlackBerry PlayBook might have been derided 5 ways to Sunday, but that doesn’t mean it has failed like the HP TouchPad – at least you don’t see RIM throwing a firesale of their PlayBook. There is another thing that the PlayBook can do which the TouchPad doesn’t (granted both of them run on different operating systems), and that is the PlayBook can run Android apps in an emulator. Well having said that, RIM does have plans to do the same with their future QNX-powered smartphones, at least according to Bloomberg.

I do wonder whether this is a case of not putting all your eggs in one basket, and I guess if the strategy works with the PlayBook, who are we to say it won’t with future BlackBerry smartphones? Perhaps with an even better processor next year, you will find the emulation to be as smooth as an actual native Android device itself, although that might be asking for too much. What do you think – does QNX have a future?

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