
After failing to acquire Instagram this summer, it looks like Facebook will be taking matters into its own hands by creating its own filters instead, according to a report from the NY Times blog. According to two engineers working at Facebook who spilt the information, Zuckerberg (Facebook’s CEO) wants his engineers and artists to create more filters before it is officially released to the public.

In case you’re unfamiliar with Instagram (or any other recent camera app/service like Hipstamatic or PicPlz), they are basically apps that come preloaded with a whole bunch of filters that let you modify how a photograph looks. You can introduce grain, turn them into Polaroid lookalikes, desaturate the colors and more, before you share them with your friends online.

However, Facebook wants to introduce new styles of filters that will help draw users away from other apps. There’s no word if these Facebook filters will be part of its website or only in its apps, but judging by how popular services like Instagram are, there’s no doubt it’s going to be popular (provided they pull it off well). But I guess it’ll only be a matter of time when everyone starts using these filters and gets sick of them; then untouched photographs will be trendy again. How many of you would like a photo filter option for Facebook?

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