Death appPart of a ghost hunting team and looking for new places to explore? Wish there was an app for that? Well, you’re actually in luck. The folks over at MobileNationHQ recently came up with something called the Death app. As part of a demonstration to show how easy it was to create an app using MobileNationHQ’s online app creator, the Death app was created in 8 hours and works on both iOS and Android devices (it’s a web app).

Once a user runs the app, he/she can use it to find out the locations of recent deaths in the area. The app gives a description of what sort of death it is (car accident or murder) and marks it on the map. Deaths can even be searched by location and type, just in case you’re looking for a certain kind of victim. The app also helps regular pedestrians and cyclists be more aware of their surroundings – i.e. if they are in a car accident-prone area, they can choose to be more careful.

If you’re interested in checking out the Death app, head over here and scan the QR code with your phone to launch the Death app. Let us know if you spot any interesting murders!

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