If your smartphone is your favorite mobile gaming platform, then you might want to consider picking up a Nokia since it offers the Ovi Store that delivers Climate Mission 3D – for free. This is one educational game that has received some favorable comments from users, where it will educate you on how to further reduce your carbon footprint, not to mention having the opportunity to donate to a charity.

Climate Mission 3D will load up with an introductory text which reads: “Nokia’s €50,000 Climate Campaign – Earn voting ballots by completing game missions. Then vote for your favourite cause on the map. You have eight weeks left to vote.” To put it in a nutshell, Nokia will donate that money to different projects which are displayed  in the game itself. It all depends on where the votes flow, so just like American Idol, make sure you vote!

With a trio of game types to play in Climate Mission 3D (Ants; Trees; and Icebergs), you will have a field time trying to complete them as each category boasts of 20 levels.

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