Apple logoIt is official – according to Electronista, who in turn got their report from Strategy Analytics (requires a subscription fee), Apple is the leading smartphone vendor in the world with 18.5% market share which was followed closely by Samsung who has 17.5% and with Nokia slipping into third place with 15%. While we’re not trying to spark Apple vs Android debates, we have to give credit when it is due.

It certainly is impressive given that it only took Apple four years to rise to the top, not to mention they faced stiff rivalry from Samsung and other Android manufacturers. Do take note that Apple is currently number one in terms of smartphones manufactured which is not to be confused with smartphone platform market share, which Android still has a huge lead over iOS.

It is believed that Samsung’s rise to second place is largely in thanks to their line of Galaxy smartphones, with the Galaxy S achieving rather impressive sales figures and popularity and the Galaxy S2 doing even better than its predecessor.

Given the rumors of the next-generation iPhone 5 along with a cheaper version of the iPhone 4 to be released in September this year, and if Samsung or Nokia do not come up with another groundbreaking device, Apple could very well surge ahead, leaving Nokia and Samsung choking on the dust left in their wake.

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