Men are supposed to take the initiative in relationships in the traditional model, but these days, more aggressive women do not find anything wrong in making the first move to snare the guy of their dreams. Here is something that will work nicely with the Autowed wedding machine – we are talking about the Best Surprise’s latest product known as the “Proposal Pressure Kit”. This kit comprises of a range of marriage support items such as a temporary engagement ring, a marriage promise form, as well as a cute-as-a-button piggy bank which can hold up to a hundred 500 yen coins (that is roughly $5), symbolizing the patience which the girlfriend “endured” as well as being a start to the wedding ceremony savings.

The whole idea behind this? To help the reluctant boyfriend be more aware of the idea of marriage, and bringing the proposal right to his heart. In fact, this gift will be delivered to his house and was specially disguised as a special gift which touts that he has “won” via a random prize selection system.

What happens when he actually is seeing two women at once, and figured out it is the other lady who sent him this gift? That will surely complicate things a whole lot, but for those who are a one-woman man, this might put him off if he isn’t ready. Relationships are a tricky thing, and requires a great deal of maturity to handle and maintain, so to force a marriage might not be such a good idea at all – just like the Autowed machine.

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