It is rather safe to assume that when you first saw Minority Report with its unique technology, especially the way they manipulated their computers using nothing but fingers, you ought to be blown away if you had half the techie interest. Gotta love the way interacting with the user-interface required but a few hand gestures. How long will it be, you wonder, before such technology arrives at your doorstep and your home PC? Not very long, it seems – if you run this particular Kinect hack correctly, letting you control Windows 7 in pretty much the same way without someone accusing you or pre-meditated murder.

LockerGnome community member Kevin Connolly has successfully recreated this experience thanks to a particular Kinect SDK in a project which he dubs the KinectNUI (Natural User Interface). Needless to say, the project functions using a single Kinect and any modern Windows PC.

Swipe of your hand to switch between active windows, zoom in and out, and more. Even when you are zoomed in, Kinect will follow your every movement as you walk around the room, letting you scroll vertically using your left hand. How cool is that?

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