No, we believe that you read the title above correctly, and we are confident that there are no typos involved. The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 from AT&T will at long last, receive the Android 2.1 Eclair update from today onwards. In Sony Ericsson’s own words, “We can’t thank you enough for your patience.” We would say that most folks might have jumped ship to another handset manufacturer simply because of Sony Ericsson’s relatively poor track record when it comes to working on the latest operating system version for their handsets.

Well, better late than never, but we are quite confident that the ones left behind on AT&T’s Xperia X10 are there because they do not have the means to change to a different phone or carrier. Of course, there is always the option to run a custom version of an update if available, but that will void your warranty without any guarantee that it might work, either.

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