Although restoration for PlayStation Network, SOE and Qriocity services has largely returned for most regions around the globe, Sony’s not of the deep waters just yet regarding the whole “Sony got hacked” matter. PS3 gamers might have downloaded their 3.61 firmware, changed their passwords and are slowly returning to fragging each other online, but Sony’s brand faces uncertainty – mainly lost trust.

Defending the company for its response time, Sony CEO Howard Stringer said, “Most of these breaches go unreported by companies. Forty-three percent notify victims within a month. We reported in a week. You’re telling me my week wasn’t fast enough?”

Whatever your stance is on Sony’s response time, the company is making great amends by offering free digital goodies to the sum of two free games, in-game items, free premium online gaming features for 30 days and identity theft protection programs.

Now, I was greatly upset that PSN down for as long as it was, but you got to give the company some props for taking a loss for any inconveniences it may have caused. Frankly, I think they handled it in a timely fashion, taking down PSN and all and keeping everybody updated regularly on the PlayStation blog. If you were to rate Sony’s handling of the entire hacking situation, do you think they a week was too slow to sound the alarms?

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