Ever wondered whether data that is deleted from your phone remains truly deleted? That, of course, is a question that is asked by those who tend to carry around sensitive data, or tiptoe around their spouse by cheating on them. Of course, second hand phone dealers might also want to check out a device such as the UFED Physical Pro – where it is stated to be able to pull just about everything off from your handset, never mind that you have already deleted it beforehand and performed a clean factory reset.
We are quite sure that this forensic tool will be made available only to law enforcement officials, which is good in one sense but it can be rather unsettling on the other hand.
Cellbrite’s handheld forensic tools was specially designed to retrieve just about everything on your handset, ranging from text messages to emails, videos, and photos – including those that have been deleted. Heck, it is so “powerful” so to speak, that it can even check out your Google Maps queries, including every single address that you’ve looked up and perhaps went to, as well as web searches, passwords and call logs. To put it in a nutshell, nothing’s safe.
The UFED Physical Pro is compatible with more than 3,000 kinds of handsets, so you might want to be more careful with what you’re typing the next time round, all right?
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