According to some reports online, it looks like Verizon is doing pretty well with the HTC ThunderBolt. The first ever 4G LTE phone on the network has been said to be outselling the iPhone 4. A technology research firm, BTIG, contacted 150 Verizon Wireless retail stores over 22 major cities in the US and asked the sales representatives whether they were selling more ThunderBolts or iPhones over the past week. Their results: 61% said they sold an equal amount of both phones, 11% said they sold more iPhones and 28% said they sold more ThunderBolts. But can these results be conclusive to how well the phone is actually doing?
Firstly, the ThunderBolt has only been on the market for a few weeks, as opposed to the Verizon iPhone which has been available since February, and the original iPhone has been out since mid last year – when it comes to technology, nobody really wants a phone that’s not as fresh. And let’s not forget there are rumors of a new iPhone arriving later this year, so folks who are interested in getting an iPhone are probably holding out on their purchases instead of getting the current iPhone or the ThunderBolt. So while the ThunderBolt is a hot-selling phone at the moment, whether it can keep up its momentum throughout the rest of the year is another story and with no official sales figures from Verizon, it’s impossible to say. What do you think of the ThunderBolt? Make sure you don’t forget to check out our iPhone 4 review and our ThunderBolt review if you haven’t already.
Filed in 4G, 4g Lte, Android, Apple Inc, HTC, Htc Thunderbolt, iOS, iPhone, iPhone 4, LTE, Sales, Thunderbolt and Verizon.
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