The Dark KnightCan Facebook compete with Netflix? Who knows, but they’re certainly trying to bank in on it. Warner Brothers has just announced that they will be offering video stream rentals of their movies through the online social network. At the moment they only have one title up for rent – 2009’s smash hit blockbuster, The Dark Knight. Users can rent a movie for just 30 Facebook Credits ($3) and they get 48 hours to finish the movie. In addition to being able to watch the movie through the site, users can still access Facebook functions while it is still playing so they can share their favorite bits with their friends or discuss the show without having to exit the site. Of course they can opt to watch it full screen if they don’t want to be bothered. Warner Brothers has announced that more titles will roll out in the coming months, and The Dark Knight is just a test to see the response they get. With Facebook gradually taking over the internet, it’s only going to be a matter of time we see it available everywhere or everything becomes accessible through the site. What do you think of Warner Brothers’ movie rental feature? Would you use it?

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