PlayStation NetworkSony will be announcing today that their online storage service will be made available to all PlayStation Plus subscribers (the $49/year premium service). Plus subscribers will be able to save their games online instead of their machines, freeing up precious disk space on their PlayStation 3 consoles, not to mention, making it easier to load their saved games from anywhere. You no longer have to invite friends over to your house when you want to show them a super cool area in a game you found – you can just go over to a friend’s place, and load up your save game with their PlayStation 3. Other benefits of cloud storage include your data being protected in the event where your PS 3 gets damaged or destroyed, you still have your save games. Users get 150mb per PS Network account and can save a maximum of 1,000 data files (which should be more than enough for a lifetime of saves). The ability to save to the cloud will come with version 3.6 of the PlayStation System software that will be released tomorrow.

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