LG has just introduced its latest Android smartphone that will cater to those who are on a tight budget, especially in this day and age where various states are already suffering from huge budget deficits and lowered pay packets. Known as the LG Pecan, this candybar device will come with a HVGA (480 x 320) display, along with it the usual four Android capacitive buttons for Menu, Home, Back and Search. Not only that, you will also find dedicated hardware buttons for Call Start and Call End, with Android 2.2 Froyo running proceedings software-wise from within. Other hardware specifications are in line with most other handsets of the day including a 3-megapixel camera, a 3G HSDPA radio, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, GPS support, an integrated FM radio and a battery which delivers up to 5 hours of talking time. No idea on how much it will cost but we do hope to see it debut at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona next week.
Filed in LG.
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