AnandTech has decided to run some tests of their own in order to determine which smartphone is the most powerful in the world, and as you can clearly see in the horizontal bar graph above, the LG Optimus 3D leads the pack – and then some. Coming up tops in the SunSpider Javascript Benchmark 0.9 and the GLBenchmark 2.0 Egypt and PRO, it dropped to second in the Rightware BrowserMark benchmark. Other dual core smartphones in the running include the LG Optimus 2x, Samsung Galaxy S 2 and Motorola Atrix 4G, where their performance figures weren’t too shabby either, but failed to dislodge the LG Optimus 3D from its position. Needless to say, both single core iPhone 4 and iPad were clearly in the middle, although the Google Nexus S did pretty well for itself even on a single core processor. Of course, the performance margin isn’t that big of a difference in the benchmarks, so picking your favorite new phone might still boil down to aesthetics as well as brand loyalty.
Filed in Benchmark, LG, Lg Optimus 3d, Optimus 3d and Smartphones.
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