Google DocsGoogle’s internet office suite, Google Docs will be receiving some new updates that increase its functionality. Announced today, and rolling out over the next few days, the update will refresh the documents list – Google has added new filters that allow you to look for documents much more easily, as well as an option called Priority Sorting. Working similar to the Priority Inbox in Gmail, Priority Sorting automatically sorts your documents for you using Google’s method of determining how useful and how often you access a document and put frequently opened documents at the top of the list. And if you’re more traditional, the options to sort by last modified date or by name are still there. The file browser also received an update that allows you to preview your files before you insert them into the document. Other updates include – a new Home view, Collections replacing folders, and a streamlined interface. Great stuff from Google, if you’re a Docs user, you should find this update very helpful. Let us know if you’ve received it, and how you find the changes in the software.

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