If you’re waiting for a successor to the Nexus One from Google, it seems that it might never materialize, as the Google’s Eric Schmidt has recently suggested that the company isn’t planning on churning out its own phones anymore, despite earlier rumors of a possible Nexus Two. Of course, that’s not saying that the Nexus One didn’t do a good job, as it did raise a lot of awarenessfor Google’s Android OS, and we’ve since seen many more powerful Android-powered devices surface, such as the HTC EVO 4G. Do you think that you’ll miss any possible phones that Google might have been planning, or do you think that HTC is doing a pretty good job without Google’s involvement? A quote from Eric Schmidt reads:
“The idea a year and a half ago was to do the Nexus One to try to move the phone platform hardware business forward. It clearly did. It was so successful, we didn’t have to do a second one. We would view that as positive but people criticized us heavily for that. I called up the board and said: ‘Ok, it worked. Congratulations – we’re stopping’.”
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