Android port for iPhone 3G is now out

Want to be a heretic in the Apple camp? Why not download the Android port for the iPhone 3G? It is now available for download, letting you do more or less everything an Android handset is capable of, although it is not recommended for day-to-day regular use. Bear in mind that the power management functions of Android for iPhone 3G have yet to be implemented, so a fully charged battery should last about an hour at best before it requires you to make a trip to the power outlet. Of course, to get such a setup running, you will need to jailbreak your iPhone 3G first. iPod touch users as well as iPhone 3GS owners can expect an equivalent port in due time.

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  • 480x320
  • 165 PPI
2 MP
  • f/2.8 Aperture
    0.125GB RAM
    • None
    ~$ - Amazon
    133 g
    Launched in
    Storage (GB)
    • 16