AT&T To Get The Xperia X10 This Summer?

If you’re an AT&T subscriber who has been patiently waiting for the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 to be picked up by your carrier, there is some good news for you. According to the latest news, AT&T is looking to offer the phone around the end of July and the beginning of August. Of course, since there isn’t an official confirmation, anything can be changed, so we’ll still need to keep tabs on it. With Sprint and Verizon offering some really cool Android-powered phones in the HTC EVO 4G and Droid Incredible, it would certainly help AT&T if it were to offer a cool Android phone. The fact that the X10 is powered by Android 1.6 whilst the others are touting the latest and greatest Android 2.1 probably isn’t good news for Sony Ericsson, but the phone should be getting an Android 2.1 update somewhere along the line. Are you willing to hold out for the Xperia X10 on AT&T, or have you already been tempted by something else?

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