Alienware M11x gaming notebook

[CES 2010] The lines between a notebook and netbook are definitely blurring, with the Dell Alienware M11x gaming notebook being the latest device that ought to keep you happy if you’re a hardcore gamer who loves getting your game on wherever you are. The M11x comes in a 11″ form factor, and has both HDMI and VGA output. It supports resolution of up to 720p, so that means there is no Blu-ray drive in there, but what makes it stand out is the ability to switch between integrated graphics as well as its NVIDIA GT335M graphics card on-the-fly – that means not having to reboot whenever you switch. Imagine working on your thesis paper on integrated graphics, and instantly switching to the gaming mode to get your game on. On integrated graphics, you are able to hit up to 6 hours of battery life, and 2 hours if you’re on gaming mode. Performance figures provided seems pretty expensive, capable of hitting 6,000 to 7,000 figures in 3DMark and 30fps in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with all the bells and whistles turned on. At just 11″ in size, this is a dream – and best of all is the price point that won’t surpass the $1,000 mark. We think this is vastly more significant in terms of improvement compared to last year’s Adamo launch (read our review) which was really just a very pretty notebook.

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