Ubergizmo is Going to Paris with the Traveling Geeks

I (Eliane) landed in Paris yesterday, and I will be attending LeWeb next week as part of the “Traveling Geeks“, a group of tech bloggers and entrepreneurs, coming from the USA (mostly from the Silicon Valley), South Africa and Europe.

I have worked quite a lot to put this blogger tour together with Renee Blodgett, Traveling Geeks co-founder , Phil Jeudy, co-organizer, and Sky Schuyler, CTO. The Traveling Geeks include: Beth Blecherman, Renee Blodgett, Matthew Buckland, Amanda Coolong, Kim-Mai Cutler, Cyrille de Lasteyrie, Olivier Ezratty, Eliane Fiolet, Tom Foremski, Phil Jeudy, Frederic Lardinois, Sky Schuyler, Robert Scoble, Rodrigo Sepulveda Schulz, David Spark, Ewan Spence, Jerome Tranié, and Robin Wauters.

Ubergizmo is a media partner of the tour, and you have surely noticed the banner we have been running for a few weeks. Thanks to our sponsors France Telecom Orange, Pearltrees, Answers.com , Invest in France Agency, Parrot SA and Microsoft BizSpark for making this trip possible.

Following us:

One of our partners, La Social Media Club House will be setting up camp in the Latin Quarter in Paris next week, and my friend Cathy Brooks along with other geeks will be tweeting from there, follow them at @socialmediaclub; the house residents’ twitters are: @cathybrooks @chrisheuer @scobleizer @suzyperplexus @stephtara

Besides covering LeWeb, the largest, most renowned conference in Europe focused on the web and emerging technologies, the Traveling Geeks will meet with startups, venture capitalists, organizations and individuals developing and implementing technology and innovation across multiple industry sectors.

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