Bookeen Cybook Opus Paraded

Bookeen was recently caught parading their 5″ ebook known as Cybook Opus, and folks who have laid their eyes on it have nothing but good things to say. Apparently, this 150 gram ebook reader will boast excellent ergonomics, alongside a display of 200dpi with 600 x 800 resolution, boasting auto-rotation thanks to an integrated accelerometer. Supported file formats include ePUB and PDF, regardless of whether there is DRM or not, while you can further expand its 1GB of internal storage thanks to a microSD memory card slot. The inclusion of large page-turn buttons on the side make sure you will always be on top of things in an engrossing read. Up to a dozen font sizes are supported, and unlike iPods, the battery can be replaced. We don’t have word on pricing or availability though.

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