NVIDIA Releases New Laptop GPUS

In anticipation of Windows 7, NVIDIA has updated its family of GeForce Mobile GPUs with five DirectX 10.1-capable chips. As you can guess, it’s the same semi-conductor story that everyone loves: these chips are smaller (40nm), faster, consume less power (perf/Watt) and are cheaper (at least, to make).. The image above sums it all, but basically the mainstream and mid-range are getting “performance kickers” with the GeForce GT210M, 230M and 240M. In the high-end, NVIDIA is closing the gap between the GTS 160M and the powerful GTX 280M with two new GPUs: the GeForce GTS 260M and GTS 250M. We’ve added the specifications in the full post, but here are the highlights:

  • Geforce G210M, GT 230M, GT 240M, GTS 250M, GTS 260M launched
  • Manufactured with 40nm process
  • DirectX 10.1 for all these models
  • All the new GPUs support CUDA and DirectX Compute
  • GTS 250M, GTS 260M support SLI (multi-gpu)
  • Support for PhysX, except for the G210M

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