Wind-Up shaver for a smooth outdoor trip (+video)

It’s not that I go camp a lot, but I thought that this might be useful to someone who does. There’s no risk of running out of battery, instead, it has been replaced with the certainty of boredom while cranking this thing until it has charged enough for a shaving session (8 hours for a full charge). Here are the charging specifications from the manufacturer, I personally don’t trust them, but it’s a start. Has anyone tried something like this? Post a comment.

  • Shaving time after 1 minute winding: 1 to 2 minutes
  • Trimmer time after 1 minute winding: 1 minute
  • Shaving time fully charged: > 60 minutes
  • Trimmer time fully charged: 45 minutes
  • Charging time full charged: 8 hours

Filed in Gadgets..