At least by the time the early 2010s roll around. Forget about the Segway and other forms of personal transport devices – the Toyota Winglet looks just-too-cool that I wouldn’t mind dropping a few grand for it. After all, it helps get me around the numerous city blocks without having to break a sweat.
The Winglet consists of a body (with a projected area the size of an A3 sheet of paper) that houses an electric motor, two wheels and internal sensors that constantly monitor the user’s position and make adjustments in power to ensure stability. Meanwhile, a unique parallel link mechanism allows the rider to go forward, backward and turn simply by shifting body weight, making the vehicle safe and useful even in tight spaces or crowded environments.
The Toyota Winglet will come in Small, Medium and Large sizes. I don’t know, won’t the obese epidemic grow even more serious if people stopped walking them? Hopefully there will be an XL version to accommodate larger boned folks. How much are you willing to pay for one of these?
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